Meet the Founder of Hardehout NL

Having grown up in South Africa and recently immigrated to
Netherlands, I soon realised that there is a big demand for high quality
hardwood in Netherlands and across Europe.

I was an Accountant at a company in Northern Cape, South Africa that among various other activities exported wood, charcoal and various other products all over the world. I decided to register my own company at the Kamer van Koophandel in Netherlands and got everything in order to start trading.

We believe in honesty and excellent client service that
builds trust and ensures that clients are satisfied and continue doing business
with us for the foreseeable future.

Let's chat

Social Responsibility

Blackthorn is an alien/invasive species and it is removed responsibly and in accordance to prescribed laws and practices. It also provides many jobs  to some of the most needy people and provides an income to many households that desperately needs it.

We also strive for a better and more sustainable environment and all our decisions and actions contributes towards building a better future for both fauna, flora and humans.

All the correct procedures were taken and all the necessary certificates is obtained to provide everyone with the assurance and comfort in an industry that desperately needs everybody to take responsibility and care to make sure that we do our part in nature conservation.

See our workers in action